
Showing posts from March, 2019

Importance of failure in life

A man in his black suit stood in front of a huge crowd of people and cleared his throat to start his speech for the day. “I was 21 when I achieved the first success of my life. Now I am 43. I have achieved success in various industries. Every time I succeed, I was interviewed by the media and I would be invited to conferences to provide my proficient speech. To be in numbers, I have been successful in my business for about a decade. Every person I meet, every person I speak with and the people I am surrounded with know how successful I am now. But the fact is I am a failure. Even now I have not succeeded in my life. What other people in (the market) consider success is not my definition of success. To be frank, still now I am a failure.” The entire hall of professionals and young students started chattering about what was happening. He cleared his throat in order to gain attention of his audiences and looked at the huge banner which was dangl...

Passion towards work - Balance your work life

I walked through the streets from my office back to home. I wasn’t seeing anything around my ambiance rather I focused just on the far sight of the road. My mind was completely occupied with so many thoughts. I knew I was living a successful life. I had a well-settled family. I was a good husband and a good father for my children. I worked in a corporate which paid me a huge amount of money for labouring myself. But I wasn’t happy. I couldn’t feel my life. I could always sense my happiness just a few meters away from my presence. But I couldn’t move forward in order to obtain it. Something is being a mystery in my life. I couldn’t find what is it? Tens and hundreds of people stood along with me and at the other end waiting for the signal to go red so that we can cross the road.  But none of them had a smile on their face. They all were dressed formally with their case on one hand and their mobile on the other, maybe heading towards their work. Among the cr...

Purpose of Life - The ultimate cause to live for.

I still remember the golden days of my childhood. I used to sit on my grandmother’s lap hearing to my grandfather’s stories while she used to caress my curly hair with her gentle fingers. Among the pile of stories, I carried a simple story (which I considered to be the worst one from him in my childhood) throughout my life, the story about purpose of life. At the age of 10, I didn’t realise the impact of the story in our life. But in my later days, when I was exposed to the outside world, I came to understand the insights of the story, about the purpose of life. Two rats; Nick and Mike, best pals, use to run from their hole to a cupboard where they use to find the grains and nuts. Both of them use to run for their food on regular basis. Nick always had fun and enjoyed his life. He used to wear his shoes whenever he felt hungry. But on the other hand, Mike was conscious about what will happen if the grains and nuts had gone empty. He ate only twice for the day thinkin...

Know your Why because Rich know their Why.

Have you ever thought why do we do what we do? What is the reason that lays behind every action we do in our life?  The question 'WHY' plays a major role in your life because knowing your why means knowing your purpose. The common trait among rich people is that they know their ‘WHY’ . They know the exact reason why they do what they do. They calculate their work, investment, and time based on their ‘WHY’. The ‘WHY’ in everyone’s life would lead the path to discover the purpose of their life. The ted-talk provided by Simon Sinek was an eye-opener for many of the people who have listened to his speeches and read his book ‘Start With Why’.  How to find your 'why' in life or how to know your 'why'? As said earlier, we have the choices of reading or often hearing the importance of 'why' in our life. But none of them teach how to find your 'why' in life. (Again we thank Simon Sinek for his another eye opener ‘Find your Why’)  The ...

Definition of Success

The definition of success differs from person to person. It may be measured by money, fame. Love, family or whatever we humans crave for. But the question is how do you define success? We are the one who define our own success. But the main blunder that we common people follow in our life is the definition of success which is predefined by our society. To educate ourselves, to earn money and to become rich is the ultimate cycle that is incorporated in our mind. But no one from this society teach us how to become rich. Success by itself means nothing. Only the path to success is interesting.  The basic concept of success in the language of rich people is that success is relatable. The common trait among rich is that they measure success by themselves. External parameters or its criticisms never bother their consciousness towards their success. They don’t give a piece of fuck about the society or its ethics that we common people follow in our monotonous life. They...

Rich never run behind money

The first and foremost trait that rich people have in common is that they never run behind money. They work on their own idea for their own success. Everyone on this earth has a purpose to live with. It is this ultimate purpose or the cause that we aim to achieve in our life. Keep this in your mind, ‘Getting rich is not directly the meaning for achieving money in one’s life. It’s all about success’.   And note this phrase, it may be repeated in the upcoming posts also because the rich never run behind money. The difference between being rich and wealthy has a huge difference in itself.   Consider yourself as the richest man in the earth (Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates , it’s up to you). You have all the wealth to live a luxurious life. You don’t have to wake up early and leave to a tedious job that you hate to do. Despite being the richest man in the world, every day you wake up from your bed and you fail at least once for the day in your business or whatever it m...