Passion towards work - Balance your work life

Being passionate is the ultimate tool for the successful life of the rich.

I walked through the streets from my office back to home. I wasn’t seeing anything around my ambiance rather I focused just on the far sight of the road. My mind was completely occupied with so many thoughts.

I knew I was living a successful life. I had a well-settled family. I was a good husband and a good father for my children. I worked in a corporate which paid me a huge amount of money for labouring myself. But I wasn’t happy. I couldn’t feel my life.

I could always sense my happiness just a few meters away from my presence. But I couldn’t move forward in order to obtain it. Something is being a mystery in my life. I couldn’t find what is it?

Tens and hundreds of people stood along with me and at the other end waiting for the signal to go red so that we can cross the road. But none of them had a smile on their face. They all were dressed formally with their case on one hand and their mobile on the other, maybe heading towards their work.

Among the crew of maniacs, I found a middle-aged wise man leaning forward with the help of his stick. I always found him whenever I crossed the street. In fact, I knew him as he was the owner of a book shop where my children use to purchase their books. He always held a huge smile in his face that made others feel lively from their heart. But I always wondered how he could always have that smile in his face.

As soon as the signal was red, I rushed among the crowd and pulled myself closer to him. I stood in front of him. He greeted me with a smile. We often have eye contacts whenever I glanced at him. I never had the time before to speak with him. I always rushed myself towards perfection and for a profitable business.

But whenever I saw this man, I thought how a bookshop keeper could be so happy when we people who make money still are craving for that smile.

But this time, I was standing there right in front of him to discover the reason for his happiness and the heartily smile that he always carried in his face. I straightforwardly conveyed the reason for my presence in front of him and also accepted what I craved for in my life. I asked for the reason behind it.

He patiently heard to my entire anxiety that I poured on him and just gave a simple reply in the end. “I love what I do.”

All of a sudden, I laughed on myself tremendously that the nearby passers glanced at my awkwardness. I have been looking for a solution without understanding the question that blocked my happiness.

I had everything in my life. But the basic thing in which I spend most of my lifetime was not of my interest. I felt the bliss of my ignorance. Once I had understood the question, I realized that the solution was lying within it, passion.

But what mattered most is that the solution I found had led me to another question. How to find my passion in life?

I started to work on it. I created a forum for myself in front of my mirror, How to find my passion in life. It was a series of questions that succeeded only if each and every question was answered.

How to find your passion in life

The first and foremost question is what are your interests in life? Drawing, painting, writing, speaking, music or whatever it may be. Just write all your interests in a piece of paper.

But wait. How to find your interests in life? Well, consider yourself in your childhood days. What and all did you do that made you excited, that made you feel alive? But be sure about one thing. Don’t even think about money. Monetizing your passion is just a skill set that we can acquire in the upcoming days. But what if we are not concentrated in the right interest trying to monetize it? We will end back in the same loop of work that we are not interested in.

Follow up with these activities for a period of month. (It takes a minimum of one month to get the habit processed in your lifestyle. And don’t forget to reward yourself with some valuable stuff that keeps you engaged in the habit building process.) Eliminate the interests that do not interest you anymore.

After a period of month, take the exact piece of paper in which you wrote all your interests. Strike out the interests that you have eliminated in the estimated period of time.

Now pick anyone from the list that interests you more and start working on it. Acquire more skills that can boost your performance in it.

The final step is to monetize your skills. Try to make money from passion. But how to monetize your passion? As Robert Kiyosaki says,

"Rich never work for money. But money work for them."

You have already gained an answer to it. You can monetize your passion using your acquired skills in it. Direct your skills in the field of your passion and market your valuable ideas and innovations in your field of work.

Being passionate is the ultimate tool for the successful life of the rich. Rich people work to learn. But what we common people make our blunder is that we work to earn. There is a huge difference between earning and learning.

The main purpose of finding your passion is not to earn money, rather seek your happiness in the work or things that interest you. Further, your passion leads you to the purpose of your life. In other words,

"Passion is the key to find the purpose of life."

Passion without purpose is a tree that cannot bear fruits. You will be successful but you will be of no use to society. Finding the purpose of life is the final step in mastering your passion.

Consider yourself in your 90’s when you tremble to stand in your own legs. When you rewind back your entire life, what would you wish your life to be? Have a thought of it and push your limits closer to your purpose of life.

About the Author:

Shripathy Swaminathan is a passionate writer and an aspiring author from the Manchester city of India. Graduating in the field on engineering, he started his quest to find the writer in himself in order to inspire people by his thoughts.

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  1. Pushing our limits not only leads to discover our purpose of life. But also it helps us in realizing our actual power that lies within us.

    Great post. Worth reading.


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